
Kerry College, Clash Road Campus, Tralee, Co. Kerry. Computer Games Design.

Computer Illustrated Graphics (5N1929), Digital Editing(5N1910), Web Authoring(5N1910), Games Analysis Design (5N1651), Design Skills (5N0784), Computer 3D Modelling and Animation(5N1603) , Communications (5N0690), Personal Professional Development (5N2984) (2022-2023).

Cg Basics, Digital Sketching and Form, Materials Render, 3D for 2D artist, Basic Environment,Smirnov School Online Courses (2021-2022).

Cherkassy National University named by B. Khmelnitsky, Philologist, Ukraine, Master Degree, QQI 9 (2004-2009).

Game Company in Cyprus, Remote 2d artist and illustrator for a mobile game “Artpuzzle”.

I used computer software such as Photoshop and Procreate to create artworks, collected and made some analyses to the references found for the appropriate theme, produced concept sketches, taking into consideration all aspects of composition, confirmed the samples of coloured thumbnails with art lead for the next stage of work, provided rendering of illustration to achieve the final stage of artwork, did lines to each object as my responsibility, submitted preliminary or finished artwork for approval, maintained portfolios of artistic work to demonstrate style, abilities, skills and further improvement